I just finished recreating my health benefits, having been priced out of the “solo” market. There’s no way I can rationalize 28k/year for “usual age appropriate utilization”. My past plan was likely no worse than the others, such grotesque pricing the result of bad risk management and corporate bloating, hard to tell which is more impactful. I was in the health benefits business, so I’m not a “low information consumer”. Went to a medi-share plan, administratively challenging with a melange of service providers…my Broker assures me “She owns it, She’ on point”.
Here’s a stat: “estimate(d) that the United States currently spends $1.1 Trillion on health care administration, and of that amount, $504 billion is excess” The source document is linked below. The quoted health economics researchers are “legit”.
I am passionate about waste and inefficiency. I retired from medicine in part for these being insurmountable due to system wide misalignments
To my dear and serious colleagues in real estate, if you too have a chain of services and vendors, can admit to yourself that you are “under-optimized” and not in control of the “proposed leverage” for which you strung together that monthly billed set of services, I’d love to speak with you about “enterprise platform and systems integration”. Saving businesses is saving lives and families, in my book.
IMHO, in transactional real estate, if you ignore the challenge of over-vendored misalignment, your business (or if you are co-dependent on someone else’s business model) is at risk! Be introspective, self-actualized and recognize that if a TRILLION DOLLAR/year industry has 50% waste, what must the inefficiency be at your level of commerce. And when you call the pharmacy, there will be no “magic pill”, let alone a magic wand to cure your business ills.
Excess Administrative Costs Burden the U.S. Health Care System
So, if you are feeling lopsided on risk:reward, expense:yield or just flustered over the complexities of your business, collaboration, collaboration, collaboration is healing salve.
Call me to hear more about how I solved my inefficiencies, and how you might do same!
Don’t get fired up and wind up firing yourself…reconfigure.
David G. Reis MD
Licensed Real Estate Salesperson
Mobile: (203) 980-6811
Office: (888) 276-0630 ext 175
e-mail: david.reis@yourdoseofrealty.com
Connect with me on Social Media!